
Group: DynoMotion Message: 394 From: s.astrom Date: 6/2/2010
Subject: Mach3 output
Im trying to configure mach3 output pins.
I'm using kflop + kanalog, my spindel start is set to bit 155 and coolant set to bit 158. This works with kmotioncnc.

When i enter 155 as pin in mach3 pins and ports setup it changes to -101.
I have set M03 as output #1 port #1 pin 155 in mach3 but this does not work. I have tryed changing to port number from 0 to 2
What can i be doing wrong?
Group: DynoMotion Message: 395 From: s.astrom Date: 6/2/2010
Subject: Re: Mach3 output
I found the solution, i had to subtract 128 from my bitnumber and set it to port #2 as u said in another thred.

--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, "s.astrom" <stefan.astrom@...> wrote:
> Im trying to configure mach3 output pins.
> I'm using kflop + kanalog, my spindel start is set to bit 155 and coolant set to bit 158. This works with kmotioncnc.
> When i enter 155 as pin in mach3 pins and ports setup it changes to -101.
> I have set M03 as output #1 port #1 pin 155 in mach3 but this does not work. I have tryed changing to port number from 0 to 2
> What can i be doing wrong?